- Mom's Sophisticated Scarf -- finished!
- Knucks -- not yet embroidered, but otherwise finished! They've been keeping my hands toasty at work, as promised.
- Booga Bag -- I need to felt the handle and assemble it, but the knitting is done! It came out better than I could have hoped, and yes, the Cascade DID enable me to use only two skeins of Noro Kureyon. The base and 2-3 rows of the sides are Cascade, along with the handle; the rest of the body of the purse is 2 skeins of Noro. Details and pix to follow.
- I've started my first socks and joined Socktoberfest 2006. I'm finally using some of those tiny sock needles I gushed about here (although not the tiniest of that lot -- they're size 1s.
- I've also made a sort of bowl-ish thing that I need to felt. I began it at ...
- ... the knitting retreat I attended a week ago.
(... strike that. Reverse.)