26 August 2007

We do need steenkin' badges

So I stumbled across The Illustrious Order of Cast On Knitting Scouts. I resemble some of these remarks:

The “Proselytize Knitting” Badge -- I blog about it (sometimes). I have Rockin' Sock Club mini-skeins on my desk at work. I knit in public. I will explain at length to anyone who will listen (this is an admittedly small list).

The “MacGyver” Badge (Level One) -- I rigged a tube-shaped row counter to hang from my needle by a loop (instead of sliding the needle through the tube) with some wire and a washer bolt some square metal thingie with a hole in the center.

The “Knitting Has Forced Me to Seek Medical Attention” Badge (Level One) –- See here. Do Internet articles possibly written by "alternative healthcare professionals" count?

The “I Will Impress You With My Math Prowess” Badge -- I grok basic knitting math and am reasonably good with substituting yarns.

The “I Will Crush You With My Math Prowess” Badge -- I'm knitting a Moebius shawl and once went on a browsing spree for math-based knitting and explanations of the concepts behind them. I know what the Fibonacci sequence is. I have thrilled at the notion of using binary to encode something in a scarf.

The “Knitting Whilst Under the Influence” Badge -- It was only a novelty yarn scarf, but it was aided by a lot of Chambord and a viewing of the MST3K episode "Pod People."

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We do need steenkin' badges

So I stumbled across The Illustrious Order of Cast On Knitting Scouts . I resemble some of these remarks: